Novell Help Librarian Data File Version 1.00 COPYRIGHT (c) 1985 by Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. AVAILABLE TOPICS HELP You may select any of the listed areas by highlighting the desired topic and pressing the SELECT key. For a description of the key assignments on the machine you are using, press the HELP key a second time. A brief description of each of the available options is given on the following help screens. Use the PAGEUP and PAGEDOWN keys to view other help screens. Page 1 of 5 AVAILABLE TOPICS HELP CURRENT DIRECTORY INFORMATION HELP Selecting this option allows you to see information about the current directory. The current directory is the directory whose name appears in the header at the top of the screen. The information you can get about the current directory includes the directory's creation date, owner, maximum rights mask(286 servers),inherited rights mask(386 servers), users who are granted trustee rights in the directory, and your effective rights in the directory. Note that if you do not have the proper rights in the current directory, you will not be able to see the list of trustees. Page 2 of 5 AVAILABLE TOPICS HELP DIRECTORY CONTENTS This option allows you to see a list of the files and the subdirectories of the current directory. You may select one of the entries by highlighting it and pressing the SELECT key. This will show a list of the available options that may be selected for the directory entry. Note: Your effective rights in the current directory will determine which options you will see. Page 3 of 5 AVAILABLE TOPICS HELP SET FILER OPTIONS This option allows you to change the defaults that are used by the "Directory Contents" option. These defaults include confirmation during file copying and deletion. They also allow you to specify that only files or directories that match certain patterns be displayed. Page 4 of 5 AVAILABLE TOPICS HELP VOLUME INFORMATION This option allows you to view information about the volume on which the current directory is located. You will be able to see the volume's total size, the remaining free space on the volume, the maximum number of allowed directory entries, and the remaining unused directory entries. Page 5 of 5 Volume Information Help This screen shows you information about the volume on which the current directory is located. The volume's type, fixed or removable, is displayed. The total size of the volume is shown, along with the remaining free space on the volume. Note that 1KByte is 1024 bytes. Also shown are the maximum directory entries currently allowed on the volume and the number of remaining unused entries. The supervisor can adjust the number of maximum directory entries by running the NETGEN portion of the INSTALL program. When you are finished viewing the volume information, press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 CURRENT DIRECTORY INFORMATION HELP This form shows you the information that can be viewed or changed on the current directory. Your rights in the current directory will affect what information you can see and modify. The following help screens describe each of the options that can appear: Page 1 of 5 CURRENT DIRECTORY INFORMATION HELP OWNER This field allows you to see the owner of the current directory. If you have supervisor rights on the current file server and you are not at the root(286 servers) of the volume, you will be able to change the owner. CREATION DATE AND TIME These fields will display the date and time on which the directory was created. If you have supervisor rights on the current file server and you are not at the root(286 servers) of the volume, you will be able to modify the creation date. Page 2 of 5 CURRENT DIRECTORY INFORMATION HELP CURRENT EFFECTIVE RIGHTS This field displays the rights you have in the current directory. MAXIMUM RIGHTS MASK (286 Servers) This field shows the maximum rights allowed in the current directory. If you have Parental rights in the current directory or in its parent directory, you will be able to modify the maximum rights mask. Page 3 of 5 INHERITED RIGHTS MASK (386 Servers) This field shows the inherited rights currently set in the directory. If you have Access rights, you will be able to modify the inherited rights mask. DIRECTORY ATTRIBUTES This field shows the directory attributes that are set in the current directory. You will be able to modify these attributes if you have the proper rights. Page 4 of 5 CURRENT DIRECTORY INFORMATION HELP TRUSTEES On a 286 server, this field will be active only if you have Parental rights in the current directory or in the currentdirectory's parent directory. On a 386 server you must have Access Control in the current directory for this field to be active. It will allow you to see all the users that have trustee rights in the current directory and to modify those rights. You will also be able to add or delete users from this list. Page 5 of 5 CURRENT DIRECTORY EFFECTIVE RIGHTS HELP This is a list of your rights in the current directory. If you have Parental rights in this directory or in its parent directory, you will be able to change your effective rights by selecting the "Trustees" option from the "Current Directory Information" form. A brief description of each right follows: CREATE NEW FILES This right allows you to create a new file in the current directory. You must also have the Write To Files right to write to the newly created file. If you have Parental right along with Create New Files right, you can create new subdirectories in the current directory. Page 1 of 4g CURRENT DIRECTORY EFFECTIVE RIGHTS HELP DELETE FILES This right allows you to delete files in the current directory. If you also have Parental rights in the current directory, this right also allows you to delete subdirectories in the current directory. MODIFY FILE NAMES/FLAGS This right allows you to modify the attributes associated with a file, to rename a file, and to modify the file's creation date, last accessed date, and last modified date. If you also have Parental right, the Modify right also allows you to rename subdirectories and to change a subdirectory's creation date. Page 2 of 4 CURRENT DIRECTORY EFFECTIVE RIGHTS HELP OPEN EXISTING FILES This right allows you to open a file that already exists. You will also need the Read From Files right to read from the file and/or the Write To File right to write to the file. PARENTAL This right allows you to specify trustees in the current directory and the rights for each trustee. It also allows you to change the maximum rights mask of the current directory. This right also gives you additional privileges in combination with the Create, Modify, or Delete rights. Page 3 of 4 CURRENT DIRECTORY EFFECTIVE RIGHTS HELP READ FROM FILES This right allows you to read from an open file. To open a file, you must also have either the Create New Files right or the Open Existing Files right. SEARCH FOR FILES This right allows you to view the name of the files in this directory. Without this right you cannot see what files are in the directory. WRITE TO FILES This right allows you to write to an open file. To open a file you must also have either the Create New Files right or the Open Existing Files right. Page 4 of 4 MAXIMUM RIGHTS HELP This list shows the maximum rights. You can add additional rights to this list by pressing the INSERT key. You can delete existing rights by highlighting the right and pressing the DELETE key. You can mark several rights with the MARK key and delete them all at once by pressing the DELETE key. When you are finished press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 DIRECTORY TRUSTEE HELP This list shows the names of all users who are specifically assigned rights in the current directory, along with the rights they are assigned. If a user's name does not appear in this list, that user will have the same rights he or she had in this directory's parent directory. You can add additional users to this list by pressing the INSERT key. You can delete a user by highlighting the user's name and pressing the DELETE key. You can delete more than one user at a time by marking the name of each user you want to delete with the MARK key and pressing the DELETE key. You can change the rights that a user has by highlighting the user's name and pressing the SELECT key. The meaning of each letter in the rights list is explained on the next two screens. Page 1 of 3 DIRECTORY TRUSTEES RIGHTS (286) The directory rights are represented by the follwing letters: R - Read from files W - Write to files O - Open existing files C - Create new files D - Delete files P - Parental rights S - Search for files M - Modify file names/flags Page 2 of 3 DIRECTORY TRUSTEE RIGHTS (386) The directory rights are represented by the following letters: S - Supervisor right, has all rights to entry R - Read from files W - Write to files C - Create files and subdirectories E - Erase files and subdirectories M - Modify directory and file attributes, and rename directory and files F - File scan D - Directory scan A - Access control to modify trustee assignment and inherited rights mask Page 3 of 3K- FILER SETTINGS HELP This form shows the defaults that can be set while using FILER. When you are finished, press the ESCAPE key. A brief description of each default setting follows. Page 1 of 6 FILER SETTINGS HELP CONFIRM DELETIONS This default deals with deleting multiple files from a directory. If it is set to YES, you will be asked to confirm the deletion of each file individually. If it is not set, you will be asked once to confirm that you intended to delete the files; then they will all be deleted. Page 2 of 6 FILER SETTINGS HELP CONFIRM FILE COPIES This default deals with copying multiple files from a directory. If it is set to YES, you will be asked to confirm the copying of each file individually. If it is not set, you will be asked once to confirm that you intended to copy the files; then they will all be copied. CONFIRM FILE OVERWRITES This default deals with copying files. When you copy a file to a directory where a file by the same name already exists, the existing file is deleted. If this default is set to YES, you will be asked whether you intend to overwrite the existing file before it is deleted. If it is set to NO, the file will be automatically overwritten. Page 3 of 6 FILER SETTINGS HELP DIRECTORIES EXCLUDE PATTERN This default lets you specify a pattern of directory names you do not want to see while viewing Directory Contents. If you entered a pattern of A*, you would not see any subdirectories that begin with the letter A. Exclude patterns override Include patterns. DIRECTORIES INCLUDE PATTERN This default determines which directories will be listed when you choose the "Directory Contents" option. Normally, this default is set to *, which lists all of the directories. If you changed it to S*, you would only see subdirectories that begin with the letter "S". The Directories Exclude pattern will override the Directories Include pattern. If you enter a Directory Include pattern of S* and a Directory Exclude pattern of SE*, you will see all subdirectories that begin with "S" except those that begin with "SE". Page 4 of 6 FILER SETTINGS HELP FILE EXCLUDE PATTERN This default determines which files will be displayed when the "Directory Contents" option is selected. If you specify a pattern of *.obj, none of the .obj files in the directory will appear in the list of files shown. The File Exclude patterns override the File Include patterns. FILE INCLUDE PATTERN This default determines which files will be displayed when the "Directory Contents" option is selected. Normally, it is set to *, which displays all of the files. If you set it to *.exe and *.com, you would only see files with the .exe or .com extensions. Page 5 of 6 FILER SETTINGS HELP FILE SEARCH ATTRIBUTES This default determines which files will be displayed when the "Directory Contents" option is selected. Normally Hidden and System files are not displayed. This default allows you to specify whether Hidden and/or System files should be shown. DIRECTORY SEARCH ATTRIBUTES This default determines which directories will be displayed when the "Directory Contents" option is selected. Normally, Hidden, System, and Private directories are not displayed. This default allows you to specify whether Hidden and/or System and/or Private directories should be shown. Page 6 of 6 EXCLUDE DIRECTORIES PATTERNS HELP This default allows you to exclude directories from appearing in the list of subdirectories when the "Directory Contents" option is selected. To exclude all directories that begin with "A" or that begin with "B" and contain the letter "C," you would enter A* and B*C* as the patterns. To add patterns, press the INSERT key. To remove a pattern, highlight the pattern and press the DELETE key. You can mark several patterns with the MARK key and delete them all at once by pressing the DELETE key. To change a pattern, highlight the pattern and press the MODIFY key. When you are finished, press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 INCLUDE DIRECTORY PATTERNS HELP This default allows you to choose which directories will appear in the list of subdirectories when the "Directory Contents" option is selected. Normally, the pattern * is used and shows all of the subdirectories. If you only want to see subdirectories that begin with an "A," you would enter the pattern A*. Note that if you enter the pattern * and A*, all of the subdirectories will be shown because they will all match the * pattern. Note that the Exclude Directories patterns override Include Directories patterns. Use the INSERT key to add additional patterns. Highlight a pattern and press the DELETE key to remove the pattern. You can mark multiple patterns using the MARK key and delete them all at once by pressing the DELETE key. To change a pattern, highlight the pattern and press the MODIFY key. Page 1 of 1 EXCLUDE FILES PATTERNS HELP These patterns let you specify what files should appear in the list of files when the "Directory Contents" option is selected. If you do not want to see any files with the extension .obj or .bak, enter the patterns *.OBJ and *.BAK here. The Exclude Files pattern overrides the Include Files pattern. Use the INSERT key to add additional patterns. Highlight a pattern and press the DELETE key to remove the pattern. You can mark multiple patterns using the MARK key and pressing the DELETE key to delete all of the marked files. To change a pattern, highlight it and press the MODIFY key. Page 1 of 1 INCLUDE FILE PATTERNS HELP This default allows you to specify which files appear in the list of files when the "Directory Contents" option is selected. Normally the pattern * is used, which displays all the files. If you only want to see files that begin with the letters "WP," then specify the pattern WP*, or if you only want to see the files that have extensions of .c or .asm, then specify *.C and *.ASM as the patterns. Note that the Exclude Files patterns will override the Include Files patterns. To add additional patterns, press the INSERT key. To delete a pattern, highlight it and press the DELETE key. You can delete multiple patterns by marking each one with the MARK key and pressing the DELETE key. To change a pattern, highlight it and press the MODIFY key. Page 1 of 1 FILE SEARCH ATTRIBUTES HELP This default affects the list of files that will be shown when the "Directory Contents" option is selected. Files that have the System and/or Hidden file attributes will not appear in the list unless that attribute is listed as a Search File Attribute. To add an attribute to the list, press the INSERT key. To remove an attribute, highlight the attribute and press the DELETE key. To remove multiple attributes, mark each attribute using the MARK key and press the DELETE key. When you are finished, press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 DIRECTORY SEARCH ATTRIBUTES HELP This default affects the list of subdirectories that will be shown when the "Directory Contents" option is selected. Directories that have the Private and/or System and/or Hidden attributes will not appear in the list unless that attribute is listed as a Directory Search Attribute. To add an attribute to the list, press the INSERT key. To remove an attribute, highlight the attribute and press the DELETE key. To remove multiple attributes, mark each attribute using the MARK key and press the DELETE key. When you are finished, press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 DIRECTORY CREATION DATE HELP The date display is the date when the currently selected directory was created. The date is displayed in the form MM-DD-YY. To change the creation date, it must be a valid date in the appropriate form. Page 1 of 1 UNGRANTED MAXIMUM RIGHTS HELP This list shows all the rights that have not been granted. To grant a right in this list, highlight the right and press the SELECT key. To grant several rights, highlight each right and mark it using the MARK key then press the SELECT key. If you do not want to grant any of these rights, press the ESCAPE Page 1 of 1 DELETE TRUSTEE HELP If you want to remove the highlighted trustees from the current directory, answer YES. Otherwise, answer NO or press the ESCAPE key. Removing a trustee will cause the trustee to default to the same rights they had in the current directory's parent directory. If the current directory is the root directory, the trustee will have no rights. If you have marked several trustees using the MARK key, they will all be removed from the current directory if you answer YES. If you intended to give the trustee no rights in the current directory, you should select the trustee and revoke all the listed rights, rather than deleting the trustee. Page 1 of 1 CONFIRM REVOKE TRUSTEE RIGHT HELP If you want to revoke the highlighted right, answer YES. Otherwise, answer NO or press the ESCAPE key. If you have marked several rights using the MARK key, they will all be revoked if you answer YES. Page 1 of 1 TRUSTEE RIGHTS HELP This list shows the rights that are currently granted to the selected trustee. You can grant additional rights to the trustee by pressing the INSERT key. To revoke rights that are currently granted to the trustee, highlight the right to be revoked and press the DELETE key. To revoke several rights at once, mark each right with the MARK key and press the DELETE key. Page 1 of 1 UNGRANTED TRUSTEE RIGHTS HELP This list shows all the rights that have not been granted. To grant a right in this list, highlight the right and press the SELECT key. To grant several rights, highlight each right and mark it using the MARK key; then press the SELECT key. If you do not want to grant any of these rights, press the ESCAPE Page 1 of 1 OTHERS WHO ARE NOT TRUSTEES HELP This list shows all other users and groups that have not been assigned specific trustee rights in the selected directory. To add one of these users or groups, highlight the user or group's name and press the SELECT key. To add more than one, mark each user or group to be added using the MARK key and press the SELECT key. If you do not want to add any of these users or groups, press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 OWNER HELP This is a list of all known users. From this list you can select a new owner. Highlight the desired user and press the SELECT key. If you do not want to change the owner, press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 CREATION TIME HELP The time display is the time when the current directory was created. The time is in the form Hour:Minute. To change the time, you must enter a valid time in the appropriate form. Page 1 of 1 CONFIRM REVOKE MAXIMUM RIGHT HELP If you want to revoke the highlighted right, answer YES. Otherwise, answer NO or press the ESCAPE key. If you have marked several rights using the MARK key, they will all be revoked if you answer YES. Page 1 of 1 DELETE PATTERN HELP If you want to delete the highlighted patterns, answer YES. Otherwise, answer NO or press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 EDIT DEFAULT PATTERN Change the selected pattern to the new pattern that you want and press the SELECT key. If you do not want to change the pattern, press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 INSERT NEW PATTERN HELP Type in the pattern you want to add and press the SELECT key. If you do not want to add a pattern, press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 CHANGE TO ROOT DIRECTORY HELP If you want to move to the root directory and make it the current directory, answer YES. Otherwise, answer NO or press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 DELETE DEFAULT SEARCH ATTRIBUTE HELP If you do not want files with the marked attributes to appear in the list of files when the "Directory Contents" option is selected, answer YES. Otherwise answer NO or press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 OTHER FILE SEARCH ATTRIBUTES HELP This list shows the attributes of files that will not currently be shown in the "Directory Contents" file list. Select the attribute that you want to add as a search file attribute by highlighting the attribute name and pressing the SELECT key. You can select multiple attributes by marking each attribute with the MARK key and pressing the SELECT key. If you do not want to select any attributes, press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 CHANGE TO PARENT DIRECTORY HELP If you want to move to the parent directory and make it the current directory, answer YES. Otherwise, answer NO or press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 MARK MULTIPLE DIRECTORIES OR FILES HELP Specify the pattern that matches the directories or files that you want marked and press the SELECT key. All of the directories or files that match the pattern you specify will be marked. Any directories or files that do not match the pattern you specify will be left as they were. If you do not want to mark a group of directories or files, press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 UNMARK MULTIPLE DIRECTORIES OR FILES HELP Specify the pattern of the files or directories that should be unmarked and press the SELECT key. If you do not want to unmark a group of files or directories, press the ESCAPE key. All file or directory names that do not match the specified pattern will be left as they were. Page 1 of 1 REMOVE FILE ATTRIBUTE HELP If you want to remove the marked file attributes, answer YES. Otherwise, answer NO or press the ESCAPE key. If you marked several attributes using the MARK key, they will all be deleted if you answer Page 1 of 1 CONFIRM DELETION HELP If you want to delete multiple files, you can delete them all at once or one at a time. If the "Confirm Deletion" option is set to YES, you will be required to confirm each deletion individually. If the "Confirm Deletion" option is set to NO, you will only have to confirm the deletion once and all selected files will be deleted. Page 1 of 1 CONFIRM FILE COPIES HELP This option deals with copying multiple files. If you want to confirm each copy individually, answer YES. If you do not want to confirm each one individually, answer NO. Page 1 of 1 CONFIRM OVERWRITES If you copy a file to a directory that already contains a file with the same name, that file is overwritten. If you want to verify each overwrite, choose YES. If you choose NO, the file will be overwritten. Page 1 of 1 DELETE SEARCH ATTRIBUTE HELP If you do not want directories with the marked attributes to appear in the list when the "Directory Contents" option is selected, answer YES. Otherwise, answer NO or press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 OTHER DIRECTORY SEARCH ATTRIBUTE HELP This list shows the attributes of directories that will not currently be shown in the "Directory Contents" option. Select the attribute that you want to add as a directory search attribute by highlighting the attribute name and pressing the SELECT key. You can select multiple attributes by marking each attribute with the MARK key and pressing the SELECT key. If you do not want to select any attributes, press the ESCAPE key. Page 1 of 1 NO SEARCH RIGHTS IN CURRENT DIRECTORY HELP You do not have the Search right in the current directory. The file server security system will not allow you to see what files are in the directory. However, you will be able to see the subdirectories. Page 1 of 1.v DIRECTORY CONTENTS HELP This list shows the files and directories in the current directory. If you have specified file patterns or directory patterns to include or exclude certain patterns, this list will only show the files and directories you have specified. You can specify the specific include and exclude patterns with the "Set Filer Options" option. The following screens describe what operations you can perform. Note: If you do not have the appropriate rights, you will not be able to complete all of the described operations. Page 1 of 7